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Blues At It's Best with the Zep Theremin
September 25 - Here's the Paul DesLauriers Band burning up the stage with his Zep Theremin at the IBC Kick Off Party! Paul is our Featured Thereminist of the Week! Thanks to Kimmy for the great pic.
Zep Theremin - Play Your Way
September 22 - Gael Orliac of FedorMusic offers an interesting perspective of the Zep Theremin!
B3 Theremin In The Spotlight
September 15 - The B3 Theremin hogs the spotlight! Thanks to Brazil's Celtic Lemavos for this great pic.
Theremin Certification
September 11 - While waiting for the arrival of Hurricane Irma, we need a distraction. Finding that Sir Alton recently received his Theremin Certification from the Professor is just the tonic we need!
Colorful B3 Theremin
September 6 - Fledgling thereminist Tanya is a colorful vision with her B3 Theremin. Let's hear more, Tanya!
Fashionable B3 Theremin
August 29 - Multi-talented Bianca is stylish, beautiful and musical. We want to see more from her and the B3 Theremin!
Bulgarian Zep Theremin Music
July 11 - Zep Theremin with Riotone music in Sofia, Bulgaria! Our theremins are played around the world. Wanna get in on the action?
Over A Decade With The B3 Theremin
July 6 - Morningbell rocks TWO B3 Theremins! Here's a shot of Eric with one of them, taken in Gainesville in 2010 by Robbie Carroll.
Tuba Guy With Theremin
June 28 - There are so many things we love about this picture! Tuba virtuoso Kevin LaRose has fun with his B3 Deluxe Theremin. After looking at his Instagram feed, we're convinced he'd be a great guy to meet up with for a beer.
Take A Trip With Tigers
June 27 - Are you in the mood for some psychedelic garage rock with B3 Theremin? Galveston's India Tigers are your go to guys! Thanks to Mel Mo'Black for this atmospheric pic.
Musicians On The Road
June 19 - To quote Instagram's _Juxtaposer_ "Have theremin, will travel" Great photo!
B3 Deluxe Theremin Love
June 15 - Another B3 Deluxe Theremin caught in the wild! Thanks to Mattias Uneback for this picture.
Creative Setup with the Zep Theremin
June 13 - Check out the iRig setup featuring the Zep Theremin that John Detcheverry posted yesterday. Very cool. Thanks for the post, John!
Bluesy Zep Theremin
June 12 - Canada's Paul DesLauriers Band showcases many sides of the Zep Theremin. First up is the soulful band's club setup. We love this band. We think you will, too!.
We Want To See More!
June 9 - Mexico's Andrei Delgadillo smiles while playing his B3 Deluxe Theremin. We're delighted we can help spread that theremin happiness!
Zep Theremin in Brasil
June 5 - Our instruments are played around the world. The Snow Twins of Brasil play their Zep Theremin with abandon! New music makes us happy.
B3 Theremin = Great Gift!
May 30 - We always say theremins make great gifts! Bethany Ehrhart received her brand new B3 Theremin as a birthday present. And she's one excited musician!
Busking B3 Theremin
May 26 - Melbourne's Andy O'Connor is at it again, busking with the B3 Theremin! We love it.
B3 Theremin Party
May 23 - It's great to watch the fast progression of a new thereminist! The UK's Benni Dumville has posted several videos charting his journey. We look forward to many more!
We Would Love to See Your Burns Theremin!
May 16 - We love a picture of a well loved B3 Theremin! Athens own Liberator doesn't let a little dust get in the way of good music.
Mastering the Handheld Theremin is Child's Play!
May 12 - There's no wrong way to play YOUR theremin. Even with your tongue!
Picture Credit: The awesome Peter Spaziani. His Instagram feed is worth the visit.
B3 Theremin Player's Portrait of Concentration
May 10 - Around the world, musicians often sport the same 'theremin stare!' Thanks to Ireland's Celtic Le Mavos for this portrait of concentration.
Wouldn't You Like To Receive A Theremin?
May 9 - Theremins make great presents! This band director just received his as a gift. Wouldn't you like to receive a theremin? Why not treat yourself? Photo credit: Will Brown
B3 Pro Theremin - Series I Looking Good
May 8 - The B3 Pro Theremin (Series I) popped up in J. A. Davila's feed. Could this beautiful instrument be destined for your music room?
Music Instruction Starts Early
May 3 - EVERYONE loves to play the B3 Deluxe Theremin! Thanks to New Orlean's own Webb's Bywater Music for the picture.
B3 Theremins Around The World
April 25 - Melbourne's Andy O'Connor has an interesting perspective on the B3 Theremin. We love 'our' musicians!
Excellent for Everyone!
April 21 - Musicians and teachers love the Great Sounding Theremin at a Great Price. Check out FW Buckley's point of view! Composer, sound designer, audio engineer and writer, there's lots of goodness on his feed.
B3 Deluxe Theremin Atmosphere
March 21 - We love seeing 'our' musicans in action. This atmospheric B3 Deluxe Theremin pic is courtesy Alvaro Castro.
Lez Zeppelin Zep Theremin Encore
February 27 - Since ya'll liked our recent shot of the Zep Theremin as played by Lez Zeppelin's Steph Paynes, we thought we'd upload another one today! Steph has been a great friend of Burns Theremins. Thanks to Instagram's Vespertinette for this great pic!
B3 Deluxe Theremin In Its Natural Habitat
February 24 - The B3 Deluxe Theremin as seen its natural habitat! Thanks to Mexico's Andrei Delgadillo for posting this great pic. It's always nice to see instrument set ups.
Steph Rocks the Zep Theremin!
February 22 - We can never get enough of Steph Payne's playing her Zep Theremin! Thanks to Lez Zeppelin lead singer Marlain Angelides for posting this pic. Her instagram feed is excellent!
Led Zeppelin 2
January 6 - Led Zeppelin 2 plays the Zep Theremin and you can, too! If you have an opportunity to catch one of their live shows, don't miss it!
Thereminist Kevin Colosa and The Handheld Theremin
November 17 - Here's a throwback picture to the moment Kevin Colosa first encountered the Handheld Theremin at Hands Off 2011 in England. It was such a great event!
Czech Republic Halloween Concert 2016
October 31 - A customized Burns Zep Theremin makes the concert in Prague this weekend in Prague! Thanks to Vincent Farnsworth for this post!
Here's what Vincent had to say: The audience was driven into a frenzy by the Burns Theremin Skull at the BLAQ MUMMY Halloween / Dia de los Muertos / Dusicky concert this weekend in Prague, Czech Republic, storming the stage to caress the antenna. Thank you Burns Theremin, you know not what you do
Looks like a lot of fun! I think I'd like to go to Prague! Happy Halloween, ya'll!.
Steampunk Zep Theremin!
October 25 - Pete Witham of Pete Witham & The Cozmik Zombies shared his feelings about his Zep Theremin:
I just wanted to thank you for the Zep Theremin that I got from you. It is excellent. For someone who's never played one before, the simplicity of having the single controller for pitch and being able to use both hands to manipulate the one controller, helped me get up to speed a lot quicker.
Here is a photo from our show "Carnival of Death" that we did with our friends Dark Follies for Halloween. I am very happy with this instrument.
Pete Witham
Pete Witham & The Cozmik Zombies
It's people like Pete that make what we do so worthwhile. Happy Halloween, everyone!
More Zep Theremin Adventures in France!
October 18 - Another dramatic Zep Theremin shot! Thanks to Mrs Storm!
The Zep Theremin Is A Natural Addition To Your Gear
October 4 -Many guitarists love adding the Zep Theremin to their arsenal of instruments. We recommend the use of guitar amps with our instruments, so this pairing is a natural. Here's a look into James Robison's sweet setup. What amp do you prefer?
Thereminist Rick Reid Meets His B3 Pro Theremin
September 29 - Here's a throwback picture to the moment Rick Reid met his B3 Pro Theremin at Hands Off 2011 in England. We were humbled and privileged to witness this event.
Your Handheld Theremin Is Waiting For You!
September 27 - The Handheld Theremin is a great addition to your musical instrument arsenal.
Zep Theremin Drama
September 20 - Here's another dramatic Zep Theremin picture from France! Thanks to Mrs Storm!
What's Your B3 Deluxe Theremin Setup Look Like?
September 15 - Laurent Cros shared his theremin setup, featuring the B3 Deluxe Theremin. Do you have a favorite amp or effects pedal paired with your theremin?
French Zep Theremin Performance
September 6 - The Zep Theremin is played with feeling and emotion in France! Thanks to Mrs Storm, a great photographer, for snapping this excellent performance shot. Whether you position your instrument high or low, the theremin adds to any show.
Do You Know Someone Who Needs A Theremin?
August 30 - Theremins make great gifts! The Handheld Theremin made its way into this dad's hands this past June. Gifted illustrator Katie also made the card. Who do you know that needs a theremin?
B3 Deluxe Theremin Performance in Ireland
August 23 - The B3 Deluxe Theremin adds atmosphere and interest to Huxley Horror's Funeral Parlor show. I recommend checking out a performance, if you dare! Thanks to Elaine for sending along this photo.
Atmospheric B3 Deluxe Theremin Art
August 15 - B3 Deluxe Theremin action shared by 'our musician' Mike Morris! Thanks, Mike.
Zep Theremin - A Decade of Music
August 9 - This Zep Theremin is still going strong after more than 10 years! Thanks to Young Tobacco Records for posting this pic and revelation on Instagram. Our instruments are built to last.
Blast From The Past - Theremin Ad From 1935
August 4 - Here's something for the history buffs. "The Theremin Played by Vera Richardson” Program Issued for Her Concert Series at the Dearborn Inn, c. 1935. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
Finnish B3 Deluxe Theremin Performance
August 2 - B3 Deluxe Theremin presented by Helsinki's Big Tree Society. BTS is an independent artist, musician, animator and illustrator. Interesting stuff! We love this picture.
Effects, Effects and More Effects Paired with the B3!
August 1 - B3 Theremin fun with Big League! Here's a picture of the small sampling of the effects that can be used with your instrument. What's your favorite effect/pedal?
B3 Theremin Takes Center Stage in Greece
July 26 - The B3 Theremin popped up in Greece this summer. I'm still looking for video of this band! Thanks to Niki Farmaki for the post.
Unboxing The Handheld Theremin
July 19 - Our Handheld Theremin makes a great gift! Thanks to Sara for sharing early unboxing photos of her generous present. It's so much fun!
National Music Museum
July 14 - The National Music Museum has an RCA Theremin on display. Located at the University of South Dakota, it looks like the collections are endless and interesting. I'd like to visit. What about you?
Studio Zep Theremin
July 6 - It's another episode of find the theremin! We love gear pics and this one from Italy's gianniunderworld is not an exception. We are proud to count him among 'our' musicians.
Zep Theremin Festival Action
June 29 - The Zep Theremin makes an appearance with Chris Manning of The Hindenburg Project in Missouri. Check out that exact replica of Jimmy Page's 1975 Black Dragon suit! Gotta love it.
B3 Theremin in Poland
June 14 - Check out the intense concentration! The B3 Theremin is featured in this picture by Poland's Metropolia Jest Okey. We're honored to supply theremins to musician's the world over.
B3 Theremin in the Studio
May 31 - The B3 Theremin in the studio... in Italy... or is it the UK? Thanks to Instagram's Paul Rondena for the pic.
We always love seeing our instruments out and about. Do you have a picture or video you'd like to share? Send it along!
Theremin's Terpsitone
May 26 - Mr Theremin invented many other interesting items including the terpsitone. This musical instrument is fitted with space control antennae and lights. The dancer creates the music through their movement. Three were built, but only one known instrument survives.
Where's The B3 Deluxe?
May 16 - It's time for another episode of 'Find The B3 Deluxe Theremin'! Thanks to Instragram's DavidWilliamRoss for this interesting pic.
B3 Pro 1.0
May 5 - Canada's Alvinstagrampana and his original B3 Pro theremin. This cherry wood beauty sounds and looks great!
Would You Like A Handheld Theremin?
April 21 - Handheld Theremin love! CelkyPelky posted this shot recently. This portable theremin is appropriate for everyone. Get it today!
B3 Deluxe Theremin in the Wild
April 18 - We love seeing pictures and videos posted by 'our' musicians. Here's a shot of the B3 Deluxe Theremin posted by of Instragram.
Theremin Art
April 6 - Today we bought a new piece of theremin art from the talented Paul Morris. His art can be viewed on his website. Many items are for sale in his Etsy shop, too. This piece is a great addition to our collection and will grace our walls for many years to come.
Can You Spot The B3?
April 5 - Instagram posts made by 'our' musicians are always a welcome sight. Here is a taste of Spring posted by Bedazzledcat a little over a week ago. Can you spot the B3 Theremin?
Steve Zukowsky + Zep Theremin Is Always Great
Led Zepagain's Steve Zukowsky recently performed in the Symphonic Rock Show. JustAfan Photography captured this great shot of the Zep Theremin in action during the Las Vegas concert. If you get a chance to see Steve live, we recommend it!
'Mr. Grillo - Thereminist' Doc Available via Vimeo
The 2013 documentary 'Mr. Grillo - Thereminist' is now available via Vimeo. We are lucky and fortunate to count Thomas as a great friend of Burns Theremins. In addition to the documentary, his YouTube Channel provides hours of theremin music and insightful instruction. Check it out!
Innovation And Creativity Collides With Talent
We are such fans of this new video, performance and composition by Canada's Victor Herbiet. By mounting the Zep Theremin on it's side, Victor has created a new way to play the theremin AND the saxophone - at the same time! Check out this wonderful performance. Sheet music is now available. We look forward to seeing what else this incredibly talented musician has for us in the future.
'Our' musicians are the best.
We LOVE this piece.
See Our Ad in BBC Music Magazine
The December '14 issue of BBC Music features an excellent article about the theremin entitled, 'The Wave Machine'. If you peruse this publication, don't miss our advertisement, too!
You Can Buy A Burns Theremin in Greece
Recently we were extremely fortunate to visit our friend Marios at his shop Amola Kalimba in Athens, Greece. Marios is the purveyor of fine, handmade instruments from all over the world - including Burns Theremins. Expect to see more photos of our visit.
A Great Honor For Dan and Burns Theremins
The Musical Instrument Museum has established itself as a world class facility dedicated to the curation of all instruments. Burns Theremins is honored to count the B3 Pro Theremin as an addition to its permanent collection. Dan is pictured above with Linda Kirsh, Receiving Coordinator of the MIM, the world's only global instrument museum. If you have the opportunity to visit this impressive facility (located in Phoenix, AZ), by all means go!
Randy George Debuts His MIDI Merlin Interface
Thereminist Randy George plays the B3 Deluxe Theremin to showcase his creation. To quote Randy, "In this video, Randy George performs Super Mario 3D World Themes on the theremin through the soon to be released pitch tracking software MIDI Merlin. This is the first demo of theremin controlling a software synthesizer via real-time low latency Audio to MIDI conversion." Very cool, Randy!
Out of Thin Air - In Praise of The Theremin on CBC
On Sunday, September 9, 2014, the CBC's Sunday Edition with Michael Enright devoted the entire show to the theremin. We thoroughly enjoyed the program which features thereminist Clara Venice and author Sean Michaels (US Conductors). We recommend clicking the link and settling back for a most enjoyable listen.
Since 2009, Tesla Plays Burns Theremins
Back in 2009, Tesla's Frank Hannon added to his musical arsenal with the addition of several Burns Theremins models. Pictured above is Frank with one of his Zep Theremins. We are proud to include this great band in our theremin family.
Burns Theremin Featured on 'Law & Order: SVU'
Check out the episode entitled 'Hothouse' which includes play of the B3 Deluxe Theremin. It's just too cool for words to see our theremins on TV!
Darth Vader - Thereminist
Celebrities love our instruments! Impressing all those around, David Gorbe channels Darth Vader on the B3 Deluxe Theremin.
We love to see 'our' musicians in action. Please keep those pictures, videos and links coming! Thanks to David for originally posting this picture on our Facebook page.
Italy's Laslo Gottardi Rocks The Zep Theremin
Looks like my kinda festival! Laslo plays regularly in and around Bolzano, Italy. I'd like to see one of his performances.
If you attend a festival or concert and see/hear a theremin anywhere in the world, we'd like to know about it. Please drop us a note, a Facebook post or a tweet. If you get a picture, we'd like to see it. Let's spread the word.
Rocking The B3 Deluxe Theremin at Florida's Polacek Museum
Thanks to Bobbo Goldberg for the tip (and picture)!
A recent installation at the Polasek Museum in Winter Park, Florida featured our B3 Deluxe Theremin. Called 'Maidens and Monsters: The Art of Science Fiction, Adventure and Fantasy", we hope you had an opportunity to visit this wonderful installation.
Justin Conn Gigs With The Zep Theremin
Justin Conn has added the Zep Theremin to his repertoire. He recently gigged at 12th & Porter in Nashville. If you have an opportunity to check out this talented musician, by all means go! To quote Justin, "It's Southern fun 'n roll, for all mankind..."
Professor Philip Moriatry Explains the Theremin
Professor Philip Moriarty of the University of Nottingham explains the theremin - featuring the Zep Theremin!
This is one cool YouTube Video. Produced as part of the University's 'Sixty Symbols' event, Prof. Moriarty demos the Zep Theremin while all the while explaining the instrument in an entertaining and accessible way. Click on the picture - you'll be taken to a link where you can see the entire video. Brilliant!
Mississippi Arts Hour Features Thomas Grillo
Available via iTunes, this free podcast features musings and music. It's well worth the effort to track down this gem. We love it!
Have you run across other podcasts featuring the theremin? Let us know!
Jamming at Fondren Guitars
Impromptu gigs are the order of the day at Fondren Guitars, Jackson, MS. Visit this recommended retail outlet and join the band!
Demo Success!
Thanks go out to everyone who came to Barry Schwam's live demo of the B3 Deluxe in Pasadena. New thereminists are minted everyday!
Thomas Grillo and the B3 Pro Theremin Featured in the Jackson Free Press
The article speaks for itself. Check it out!
Photo Courtesy of Larry Morrisey of the Jackson Free Press.
Golgotha Film Premiere
If you have an opportunity to see this film, don't wait - see it now. A labor of love by Atlanta's own Karla Jean Davis, Golgotha is a visual treat and an aural pleasure. The soundtrack is a gift to the theremin afficiandos everywhere. It may possibly contain more theremin music than any other motion picture. Thomas Grillo, Randy George and Kevin Kissinger all contributed to the score.
Thomas Grillo added a great deal to the evening by performing a haunting improv duet for a half hour before the screening. Playing the B3 Pro Theremin, he was accompanied by Joel Patchell on keyboards.
It was a special evening.
A Visit to Fondren Guitars, Jackson, MS
As Hurricane Gustav barrelled towards Louisiana, we visited Thomas Grillo during one of his performances at Fondren Guitars. It was our distinct pleasure to enjoy the jam and meet proprietor Patrick Harkins. If you find yourself in the area, stop by for a visit and enjoy the music.
B3 Deluxe Player Modification Alert!
Barry, aka 'Schwump', is a great friend of Burns Theremins and a former member of 'The Residents'. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face, Barry has been making music for decades. It looks like the SchwumpBot is rockin' the B3 Deluxe. Maybe he'll make an appearance on the next DVD!
Lydia Kavina, Carolina Eyck & Dan!
Ether Music Fest, Asheville, NC was all things theremin for four days. Need I say more? An absolutely stellar lineup of performers including Lydia Kavina, Carolina Eyck, Thomas Grillo, Randy George, Kevin Kissinger and many more were in attendance for concerts, workshops and informal discussion.
Randy George, Thereminist and Inventor
Ether Music Fest, Asheville, NC. Thereminist Randy George explains the finer points of his handbuilt data glove to Dan.
Theremins + Baseball
Burns Theremins was the proud sponsor of the Walton County Recreation Department's Hurricanes Baseball Team. These incredible 5 & 6 year olds made it all the way to the championship game!
Sci Fi SummerCon
This Sci Fi convention in Marietta, GA is always fun. A yearly event, you can always count on the odd Klingon, fairy or Froddo to stop by our table.
Data's Brother Plays the Star Trek Theme
The celebration of 40 Years of Star Trek was a great opportunity to introduce theremins to a new generation of musicians, fans and new friends. We had a wonderful experience.
Theremin Prodigy!
This guy was the most pleasant surprise of the day. A prodigy, we hope that he continues to play his convention acquired B3 Theremin to this day!
Trek Celebration
We were very fortunate that our booth at the 40 Years of Star Trek celebration was located next to Mario, John, Jesse and Travis. Mario Della Casa is a gifted artist. We really enjoyed watching him paint, viewing his art and spending time with our new friends.
South Carolina Guitar Expo
The 2006 South Carolina Guitar Expo provided us with a wonderful opportunity to meet theremin owners and collectors. Dan also had fun introducing new, potential players to the art of the theremin. Thanks to everyone who came out and stopped by the booth. It was a great show.
Inaugural Tulsa Guitar and String Show
This show was a huge success! Many theremins now have new homes and Dan performed a stage demonstration. We continue to feel honored that we could be a part the beginning of a great annual event.
Guitar Neck Theremin Player
Tulsa provided many opportunities to try out different theremin models. This multi-tasking musician enjoyed playing the theremin and the guitar - at the same time!
Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors
Burns Theremins traveled to Chicago for Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors. Filmmakers, actors, actresses, artists and fans alike enjoyed their chance to get their theremin(s) directly from Dan.